VANASTHALI GYANPEETH is an outstanding institution and aims at Perfection: perfection is the key-word leading to excellence and success of Co-ed School. To achieve this, the sense of responsibility, value of discipline, importance of regularity and punctuality, cleanliness, self-reliance, respect for all with special consideration for elders are cultivated and nurtured in each stuednt. The importance of team spirit is inculcated without forgetting to develop leadership qualities through academics, sports and games as well as other co-curricular activities.
We ensure a stress-free childhood, making, learning & enriching in the most impressionable years, thereby building a skill based foundation which enables each little Vanasthalians to cope with the future with immense confidence and fortitude and help them to emerge as true 'Global Citizens'.
To ensure the success of our educational endeavours we work together as a union of parents, teachers and students and focus on constantly enhanching our teaching practice and student learning, whilst developing even stronger links with the community.
The term 'education' encompasses more than just knowledge and knowing. It is a harmonious blend of academia, arts, sports, emotions, attitudes, creativity, nature and life itself! And in the world we have built today, the one who is adept in all these areas is the one who succeeds.
Our endeavour to excel and to succeed has penned a saga of success in academic laurels and leadership, The ultimate touchstone of quality legal education is the quality culture prevailing in the school. Today, legal education stands at the crossroads of keeping pace with the emerging needs of humankind alongside fast changing trends. The vibrations of our campus invite you to the unique experience of quality learning in a multi-dimensional and participatory manner where the child is shaped by the expert faculty.
Welcome to the passionate, compassionate learning culture!
"Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations"
Our passion is to strive continuously to transform the young learner to a global responsible citizen. A dedicated team of faculty members and non-teaching staff form the backbone of our institutional machinery. Our educators understand the responsibility bequeathed upon them to give our society, citizens of tomorrow with critical but global outlook.
We encourage all parents to take an active role in their children’s education. Great schools are the basic rights and our shared responsibilities.
To all parents and families, “thank you” for being part of education system.
Dear Parents and Vanasthalians
Greetings and an exuberant welcome to the new academic session.
It gives me an immense pleasure to put forth a brief scenario of our school Vanasthali Gyanpeeth, Patna to all of you. Walking down the hallways Of the school every day, one can hear the chatter of eager minds, the shouts of excitement from the victorious athletes, the thump of dancer’s feet and the sound of melodious harmonizing voices. The perpetual energy, movement and enthusiasm permeate the atmosphere at the sacred precinct of Vanasthali Gyanpeeth, Patna. We believe, we are a school with a difference. We value individualism, creativity and innovation and strive to nurture them in our students. Our motto “Service before Self” is at the heart of everything we do at the school. We aim to not just impart knowledge to the students, but also to inculcate in them - wisdom, compassion, humanitarian spirit, sense of inquiry, research, analytical thinking, an ethical approach, ideally blending the traditional and the modern that becomes a lifetime habit. We teach children the importance of tolerance and respecting each other’s culture. Discipline, values and integrity are the very foundation of this school.
Besides rigorous scholastic programmes, we seek to develop and nurture the different facets of a child. The school encourages all students to participate in a variety of co-curricular activities from dance, art and drama to a variety of sports to social work to environmental conservation activities and the list goes on. It is important for a child to explore and find their strengths in order to reach their true potential to grow into a self-confident individual.
Each New Year is the harbinger of new opportunities, of new milestones to Cross, and further potential to be realized. Our endeavor is to make the school years of our children the happiest and the most educative years of their lives, to give them a well-rounded holistic education that would prepare them to adapt successfully to the rapidly changing environment of today’s world. We wish to build in our students a value system that would stand the test of time.
Our endeavors would always be to ensure that every child of the school receives love, dignity and acceptance. The faith that each stakeholder has reposed on us gives us an additional sense of responsibility and humility. I thank the parents for their support and I am sure that they would continue to provide us with valuable suggestions and co-operation in the future.
Seeking God’s abundant blessings.
Our mission is to Inspire, Encourage and Guide our students to