How do I remmit fee to the school? Is the fee paid monthly or bi-monthly? The fee can be remitted only on account section available in school premises. No other mode of payment will be accepted. |
Will sent a reminder for fee payment? The school may send you a written notice sms or e-mail as reminder. It is expected that, as a responsible parent/ guardian, you have to pay the school fee before 10th of the every month. We expect you to ensure that your ward’s fee reaches the school regularly and ontime. |
If fee will not be submitted on time, will | penalized? Yes you will be penalized. If your ward’s fee will get submitted after 10th of the month. |
If my child misses his/her test, will she/he be marked zero or average marks on the basis of his/her previous performance be taken into consideration? There is no provision for re-testing students to remain absent on the day of the day of assessment, or those who have failed in one or more subjects. On medical grounds if the child is absent on the day of exam, parents must personally submit the leave application along with medical documents supporting the cause on the day of the exam in school office or else the child will be awarded zero for that subject. |
How would ! come to know about the performance of my child? We organise open House session at regular Intervals during which the teachers give a detailed feedback about your child. When we feel that your child needs more assistance at home, we will call you for a detailed discussion to iron out the issue. |
What is a procedure for informing the school about child’s absence from school? Any student who has been absent on the previous day will be allowed to attend class unless her/his parent has entered an explanation stating the reasons for the absence, in the “Record of NonAttendance” section of the almanac, for which day the student has been absent from school. In case of absence for more than two days on medical grounds, Medical Certificate shall be attached along with application. |
Is there any provision for half a day leave? There is no provision for half a day leave, so students who are not well should not be sent to school. A child will be marked absent if she/he was to be taken home by parents/guardians/ authorized persons during school hours. |
What happens if my ward arrives late to school? Students are expected to reach school 10 minutes before start of the home Room period (start of the school). Students arriving late will not be allowed to enter the school premises without a plausible explanation. Arriving late for school is not acceptable. Students found to have come late for more than one day ina quarter will not be allowed to attend classes on second such occurrence and disciplinary action shall be taken against them. |
What is the procedure for leaving school campus during school hours? If, due to certain exigencies, a student has to leave the school campus during school hours, the following rules will be observed: A written request must be submitted by the parent The parent’s copy of identity card must be produced The school Leaving Register must be signed. A permission Slip must be obtained and shown at the school gate before leaving the campus. |
What is the procedure if any child has to take leave of absence for a few days? In case of social and family commitments where the child is expected to be present and needs to remain-absent from school, parents are requested to get the absence granted from the Principal by submitting the application in person. If prior information is not given then the absence will not be granted and this will result in deduction of grades. |
In case of some sickness or any other serious matter, can my child leave school after taking test? There is no provision for half a day leave, so Students who are not well should not be sent to school even on exam/test days. Child will be marked absent if she/he was to be taken Parents/guardians/authorised Persons durin School hours, even if she/he was to be an €xamination/test day. Child will be awarded zero for the exam taken onthe Particular day. |
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