Vanasthali Gyanpeeth school has a well qualified and experienced team of teaching Staff. Teachers who are creative, competent and in touch with the Current ends in teaching reside in the campus even after school hours to assist students who face difficulties in their course work. The number of students in each section of a class is kept deliberately low to ensure that teachers build up a personal rapport with students, and that every student receives individual attention.
The school got well equipped laboratories of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer. A workshop for work experience is provided. Qualified and experienced teachers look afer these laboratories and educate the students. Students are taken to the laboratories only after training them properly in the use of equipments/chemicals etc.
computer science is a compulsory subject in the school and computer labs offer lot scope for all children to acquire hands on training. Computer education begins right from lower classes.
The school strives to seek balance between physical and mental growth of the child. This will help to have understanding values of discipline, sportsmanship and team work.
Presently all over the world the interest and acceptance on the place of physical education continue to increase. Play is a learning activity and first form of education. It is essential for personality development, whereby the individual organism becomes a human being willing to live in social order and in a symbolic cultureal world. Hence the school has qualified and experienced physical training teachers. Every student has to partidipate in games & sports compulsorily, Yogic exercises are a part of physical education imparted by special instructors.
The school has a spacious library cum reading room. The Library is open to all bonafide students of the school. All classes are provided with at least one library period per week. Students have to observe the following rules.
Our mission is to Inspire, Encourage and Guide our students to